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Question of the Week (Class 5): Will the “Singularity” be achieved by the year 2065?

Question of the Week (Class 5): Will the “Singularity” be achieved by the year 2065?

The Singularity (AKA) the technological singularity is defined by Wikipedia as “the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence  will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization. According to this hypothesis, an upgradable intelligent agent (such as a computer running software-based artificial general intelligence) would enter a “runaway reaction” of self-improvement cycles, with each […]

News of the Week; January 24, 2018

MEDIA, COMMUNICATIONS & NET NEUTRALITY Bell Canada, et al. v. Attorney General of Canada (Motion to Stay CRTC Decision Denied, January 24, 2018) Vice’s Canadian cable TV channel is going off the air, after low ratings and reported losses for the $100 million joint venture  Mozilla, Consumer Groups Sue The FCC For Its Attack On […]

Legislative “should”s

Legislative “should”s

Last week we touch on the seemingly unusual wording of section 3(1) of the Broadcasting Act which contains the word should in several critical places. One specific issue we touch on was the potential for subsection (g): (the programming originated by broadcasting undertakings should be of high standard;) to be used to regulate the fake […]

Super Bowl Ads – The Controversies Continue

Beyond the issue of Superbowl ad substitutions impacting Canadian society – there is still a constant controversy when it comes to the Superbowl: sexist Superbowl ads. The above article highlights this issue as it takes into consideration how the Superbowl, being one of the highest watched sports games of the year plays a huge […]

Are you being tracked?

It has recently been reported this week that a Fitness Tracking app, Strava, is able to display locations of American military bases from Syria to Afghanistan due to the use of Fitbits by American soldiers when exercising. The bases are even more prominent on the tracking app because they are in deserted areas where no […]