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Social Media Regulating Us?

Social Media Regulating Us?

The central question of our last class was “What should we do about fake news?” This ties into the core question of the course: “To regulate, or not to regulate?” It seems that the Canadian approach, following Grant v. TorStar [2009] allows for an “arguably more flexible and more sophisticated” approach, by allowing for the […]

An App that Detects Net Neutrality Violations

An App that Detects Net Neutrality Violations

David Choffnes, a researcher from Northeastern University, has created an app that detects net neutrality violations. The app, called Wehe, is designed to test download speeds from seven apps: YouTube, Amazon, NBCSports, Netflix, Skype, Spotify, and Vimeo. Wehe uses your device to exchange traffic recorded from real, popular apps like YouTube and Spotify—effectively making it look as […]